Lunchtime Speaker-John Kingsbury
Woking town twinning with Le Plessis-Robinson. 16 miles southwest of Paris
Woking town twinning with Le Plessis-Robinson. 16 miles southwest of Paris
WAOS. Woking Amateur Operatic Society
This visit is now fully booked. Please contact Penny if you wish to visit this Motor Project in Albury. A further date can be arranged.
Mizens Railway
Celebrate Christmas with your Rotary friends
Come and shake a bucket for Local Charities
Come and shake a bucket for Local Charities
Still being organised.
Octogenarian Rail Trip
This is a 3 day event. Taking the Sleigh round. With Street Angels helping to collect
This is a 3 day event. Taking the sleigh round. With Age UK helping to collect
This is a 3 day event Taking the sleigh round. Horsell Care helping to collect.